I predominantly wanted this blog to be just about my poker exploits however sometimes personal life has to take the fore and I feel I have to publish this post before I can continue to move on.
Many unexpected things are thrown at you in life, most of which you can deal with as and when they happen and you are able to carry on as normal.
However when the one thing that is eventually guaranteed for all of us happens to someone very close to you the ability to carry on as before seems to be taken away forever.
It is to this end that sadly my mother eventually lost her fight against cancer last month.
I managed to spend a lot of time with her in the last weeks of her life and I know she was comforted by me being there in helping care for her and to keep her company.
Although we said everything we wanted to to each other before she went to that better place I know nothing will be able to fill the empty void that used to be her support, care and love in a way only a Mum can give it.
You will be greatly missed forever Mum ... more than anyone will ever know!
A bit of heat to start off the new year
My year started out far removed from the poker world on a beach in South
Goa, India. The trip was originally planned to celebrate my good friend
Rishabh's ...
11 years ago