I am in a world of on line poker pain and confusion ....
I go through times of really wanting to play on line ... and then I sit down to play and all of the passion just leaves me!
It can take just one "On Line" hand for me to lose all confidence in it again.
Tonight it was holding TT against AJ pre flop ... and the board runs 45678 to split the pot ... ( I switch off) ... makes a change to the A on the river I suppose.
At the weekend it was running deep in a tourney until that guy hits his 2 outer to knock my short stack out for a min cash ... (I switch off) ... it happens oh so (too) regularly!
Now I don't generally go with conspiracies ...
In my (approx) 10 years of online poker I have played thousands of games, nay, hundreds of thousands on over 30 different poker sites. In that time I have seen massively varying results from my style of play on different sites, so much so that there is one particular network I will not play on because I cannot turn a profit ...! Is it coincidence that most of the brands using that network consistently offer the best bonuses?
How can my results on this network be SO consistently poor?
Can it really be that all of the tens of thousands of players across all of the different providers on that network have a different style of game that beats mine?
I often hear "its because you play so many hands that you only remember the bad results" or "its variance". Well I have played hundreds of Double up SnGs month after month in the past and the spots in which I get my chips in (or not) are very similar ... I know the expectation for my play.
So is this sour grapes from a bad run of form?
I don't think so ... In fact I don't think I have had a losing year besides my first year of playing.
My graph below shows the first two months results on my Zero to What? challenge brought on by my lack of confidence in on line poker.

So why this sudden change of heart?
Well to be honest I have always thought that on line play is a bit different to a real pack of shuffled cards, I have just tried to repeat the multitude of different mantras supporting it ...
... "What would the poker sites gain from fixing?"
... "You are just having a bad run"
... "Just because you are ahead it doesn't mean you will win the hand"
... and of course I wouldn't want to be subject to the bad press you receive from even suggesting that On Line Poker might not be right.
But would I really be out of line for suggesting that? Am I really out of order for thinking that the operators of poker sites could be so unscrupulous as to take a bit more juice from their customers? I think recent events in the On Line poker world have answered that!
But what has really got me going is that I am convinced that the graph above has not been achieved by good poker play ...
Now I am not on a crusade to try and put people off on line poker and it is not as a fight back to any particular site. I also know there are people out there who have played far more on line than I have and are happy with the results.
However whilst I am thinking like this I can't put in a stake of value on line, regardless of the prize ...
Am I talking rubbish? ... that is for you to decide!
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!