A quick post by way of an update.
Well the idea was to build my live bankroll and climb up the qualtiy of tournaments to test out my poker skills and possibly hit a bigger win.
This is proving more difficult than I thought and I still haven't left the tables of my local casino yet.
So far I am only playing live once a week, so I haven't really got a decent sample of results to say whether I am going to fail or succeed.
Here are my results so far:
Multi Tourneys (40 players or more)
Played 7
Final Tabled 4
Cashed 2
Won 0
Buy Ins (incl. rake) £261
Profit / loss -£161
I feel that just one win or high position cash will set me off. It will certainly put me in profit. I like to think I am holding my own, and the fact that I can top up my live balance from other winnings will give me plenty of time.
Whats important is that I am really enjoying live play (albeit sometimes I wish I'd invested in a decent set of headphones to block out distractions).
So until next time
Keep it Tight!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Harder than it looks
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Saturday, 1 October 2011
When the odds were not in my cards or in the pot
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Thursday, 8 September 2011
I really can't believe it!
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Sunday, 4 September 2011
Live Poker Interesting Exit Hand
The flop came 89Thh. I bet about 16K into a 11,600K pot and got re raised all in (by a different player to before). I still had about 30K behind but chose to call with my open ender bottom pair, he had 89 for two pair. The turn came a 9 and I was out to a full house.
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Monday, 15 August 2011
My Ladder of Hope
I have been thinking about how I can motivate myself to go forwards in pursuit of live game success.
I understand that my personality and the value I place on my bankroll can hold me back when I should be pushing on. I need to devise a method of tracking my progress as well as giving myself targets to achieve so that I don't become stagnant and satisfied with lower levels of success.
So I am formulating, what I call, my Ladder of Hope.
I will be starting on the first rung of the ladder as a Poker Wannabe and I will outline clear goals that allow me to reach a certain rung of the ladder.
So far I have the levels as follows, with some of my initialy thought out targets.
WANNABE - Where I am now!
Bronze - Live Bankroll = £1,000
Silver - Finish in top 50% in local tournament (e.g. Dusk Till Dawn)
Gold -
Bronze - Live Bankroll = £2,500
Silver -
Gold - Cash in a local tournament
Bronze - Live Bank Roll = £5,000
Silver -
Gold - Cash in a National Side Event (e.g. GUKPT side event)
Bronze -
Silver - Final Table Local Tournament
Gold- Cash in a National Event (e.g. GUKPT)
Silver -
Gold - Final Table National Side Event
Gold -
Gold - Win National Event, Cash in an International Event
Gold - Final Table International Event
SUPERSTAR - Win an International Event
This is still pretty much work in progress in thinking out what goals I want where, and I will probably add more goals as I think of them ... but you get the idea.
More when I have this sorted out a little better.
Until next Time
Keep it Tight!
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Monday, 8 August 2011
Making it in the Live Arena
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Monday, 20 June 2011
Trying to get back to normal
I decided to do a week of work for my usual customer in Truro and stayed at the usual stop ... the Victoria Inn.
Thursday night, Poker Night, I decided again to join in for my third outing at this pub's poker offering.
Unfortunately the entrants have dwindled from about 36 to about 20 but the guys that are left are good eggs.
So with a £5 buy in and two tables to get through I soon won a big pot doubling my starting chips. I had already identified that my table had a loose aggressive on board that was very successful in small pots against the regulars. I also knew he was playing light and wouldn't be able to slow down. So when he all inned for about about 2/3rds of my stack and all folded to me in the SB, I re raised all in with K4os to push out the BB knowing that if I won the pot I could take his role. He duly turned over T6os and hit a 6 on the river to leave me hurt but not out.
Luckily 3 hands later I get JJ and all in ... our loose friend calls and I double back to above my starting chips.
A few hands later I get AA and manage to look like I'm trying to push out the limpers in a multi way pot. I manage to survive a twitchy 3 way pot with the 2 other players that remained and I was suddenly in a strong position.
Anyway to cut a long story short I got heads up with a guy when the blinds were so high we decided to split the £70 pot 50/50.
So in 3 outings here I have won 2 times and 4th once.
Not bad to earn an evenings free drinks ...
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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Sunday, 29 May 2011
Impossible to put into words!
I predominantly wanted this blog to be just about my poker exploits however sometimes personal life has to take the fore and I feel I have to publish this post before I can continue to move on.
Many unexpected things are thrown at you in life, most of which you can deal with as and when they happen and you are able to carry on as normal.
However when the one thing that is eventually guaranteed for all of us happens to someone very close to you the ability to carry on as before seems to be taken away forever.
It is to this end that sadly my mother eventually lost her fight against cancer last month.
I managed to spend a lot of time with her in the last weeks of her life and I know she was comforted by me being there in helping care for her and to keep her company.
Although we said everything we wanted to to each other before she went to that better place I know nothing will be able to fill the empty void that used to be her support, care and love in a way only a Mum can give it.
You will be greatly missed forever Mum ... more than anyone will ever know!
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Saturday, 2 April 2011
Quick Update
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Monday, 14 February 2011
The Wilderness Months
Its at times like these that I am glad I don't play poker for a living.
To play approx 500 SnG's and still only be just where you started can be very demoralising.
I think it is even more pronounced because of the flying start I had on PartyPoker.Fr. I turned my initial €150 into approx €900 in about 5 months. Now I can't get above €1000 and have dropped as low as €800 euro .
The other problem I have is that my bank rolling method drops me back down the levels when I am losing and so I am now messing about at the very low stake SnG's again hoping for a run to hit.
On top of this things are not going so well in France and it looks like I will be here on my own from now on. This has left me in a very bad mental state; but if it wasn't for me to be able to throw my time into poker (despite my affected play) then I am sure I would feel even more isolated. At least with poker there is always something there at any time of the day when I need my mind diverting from the real world.
Who was it that said ... ?
" ... you never know your on a peak until you are coming down, and you never know you are in a trough until you are climbing out" ...
Ahh thats right it was .. D.Brent (The Office)
They say poker mirrors life, and with that phrase it has never been more true.
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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Sunday, 9 January 2011
Party Poker France points problem!
Last month (and going into the new year) I had a bit of a problem with my points status on PartyPoker.Fr.
I had cut it very fine in earning my 400 points to maintain my Silver Status in December. However by playing for about 4 hrs on New Years Eve (finishing at around 8pm) I managed to get my points balance to around 401.5 ... and was happy that I would be able to buy my 50 euro bonus.
However when I logged in on 1st January I found that they had demoted me to Bronze Status.
I contacted them and they stated that I had only earned 397.5 points in December.
I checked my lobby and found that it showed I had already earned 4 points in January despite having not played yet!
So I re contacted them and assured them that the lobby stated on 31st December I had over 400 points.
They stuck to their story but did raise my complaint to another department.
Anyway yesterday I find my status HAS been restored to Silver ... but with no explanations or email contact, which is unusual because I always find their customer service excellent!
However I am very happy with this outcome as my account now sits as it should be!
But it does show that what we see in the lobby could be different to what is happening on their systems.
So I suggest that if your points balance is very close to the next level, take a screen dump. Either that or make sure you earn more than enough points to get your status levels.
Oh and if their is a descrepancy make sure you contact them!
I do like happy endings though!
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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