It has been a long time since I have played a live tournament, so when I saw a poster advertising a poker tournament at a pub near the hotel I stay at in London, I took the opportunity to go along.
I have to say this is the first pub run tournament I have been to and didn't really know what to expect of the evening.
The format was £5 rebuy for the first hour with unlimited rebuys if your starting stack of 2000 went down to 500 or below plus an add on after the first hour (with 15 minute blinds). There were about 24 players and 3 prizes being paid (max of £100 to the winner) so I wasn't intending to have many rebuys but maybe an add on.
Well the first hour went very quickly and I ended up having about 7000 chips having just had my initial buy in.
I was fairly happy and contemplating the add on when one of the smallest stacks (he had about 600 chips) sat back down bringing a further 8000 chips with him. "?????????" I thought. Totally bamboozled I asked the organiser what the add on was ... well it was a max of 4 further rebuys at £5 each for a further 2000 chips per rebuy.
Well that put an end to my add on thoughts, I wasn't going to spend a total of £30 to win £100 when there were still about 16 players left in.
From now on I was going to play hands for all my stack with the blinds already at 300/600, hope to get lucky and play from there.
Well I went out when I raised on the button with QT diamonds and I got SB and BB calling. The flop came down A,Q 2 with two diamonds. Check, Check and I bet. SB reraises BB folds and I call all in.
He shows Q8 os and the 8 turn seals my fate ... out about 14th.
-Having now gotten over the strange tournament structure and also over my own poker purist views I have to say the night was very enjoyable. All of the guys that played were really welcoming and good fun. There was a mix of players ... some that obviously play regular and some that like to hold two cards whilst they drink beer. The main thing is that they all enjoyed themselves and obviously are a group that meet weekly for this event.
I have to say also that the guy that organises it certainly does his bit and I think you earn points on a weekly basis for prizes at the end of the "season".
So if you are in the vicinity of the Bath Road near Heathrow and can get to the Jolly Waggoner pub I am sure that these lads would welcome you to play.
Will I be going again ... ?
Well I would personally like a to see a better structure; perhaps a freezeout from the start with 3000 chips or a limit of one add on at the end.
But it is what it is ... its only a fiver ... its poker ... and it gets me out of the hotel.
So if they'll have me back I'll be there.
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!