Tonight saw me with mixed feelings in the GUKPT National League $15 Freezeout. 52 Runners starting with prizes paying to 8th, and of course those valuable league points up for grabs. It was all going quite fine, I had played a mixed bag of hands and was sitting on an average chip stack 7th of 14 when I was looking for that hand to put me up into the top few players. I thought I had it when I got dealt 88. So how to play it, well it folded to me so I was open raising, and with the BB as the short stack I was going to push through the 2 players to my left and either take the blinds or hopefully get the better side of a 50/50 with the BB. The plans worked fine and the big blind called, but just look at the result.

Best Laid Plans
Now that was a set back, I was looking to move up the positions and was instead putting myself in the danger zone. I was going to need a hand! A hand I got in the form of 88 again. It all folded to the short stack on the button who raised big, well I wasn't buying that ... I didn't think he had a lot so I re raised all in, he had to call and turned over Q6s. Good result? Look what happened here!

Made Hands
Well now I was sick, looks like I'm missing the boat again! But wait AJs arrives. I raise from UTG ... HAVE THAT! ... wait! the SB is re raising and the BB goes all in ... WHAT? I gotta be behind, but the few chips I had left had to go in ... heres the Forlorn Hope ... my chips were going into battle as major underdogs.

What Happens Next?
Thats right! Runner, runner spades to give me the hand! Well it makes you wonder why we take so long studying the game, just put it in with any A eh?
So am I happy with my result of 5th tonight? Well not really.
OK, I probably shouldn't have made the final table, but once I had, AND got to the 3rd break in 2nd place, I felt this should be my night. However one hand where I was holding a small pair was re raised all in by a guy who had done the same with AK and KK. This left me a tough decision and resulted in me folding away my chips, leaving me at the bottom of the pile. From there on I could have gotten back into contention but the final TT didn't hold up against KJ and I was out in 5th.
Should I have folded my small pair after putting chips in the pot ... lets just say I didn't fancy being 80/20 behind and the coin flip didn't look too enticing either ... in hindsight I'd like to call as it wouldn't have made any difference to my final standing ... another lesson learnt.
By my calculations I now have 11 points from 4 league tournaments ... I'm going to need to find a win or two from somewhere!
Until Next Time.
Keep it Tight!
You don't mention how much the reraise was when you folded the small pair but don't learn the lesson from the result of the tournament, base it on whether it was the right fold.
If you weren't pot committed you are either racing against over cards or dominate by a bigger pair so probably a good decision.
I had about 18,000 and raised 6,000 on blinds of 1,000/2,000. He re raised all in 16,000.
My thinking was that chip leader only had about 25,000 so by keeping the 12,000 I could still double up to about lead.
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