The Chateau
What a joy to be back from holiday .... NOT!!!
We went to the Charente in the SW of France ... what a beautiful place.

View over the villiage
We went via Ryanair, which despite bad press, I have always found to be excellent value. This flight cost us just £30 pounds each return to Limoges Airport. What a bargain ... even with 30 minutes delay going out!!
The only down side was that we hired a car from Alamo which was going to be 200 euro for the 6 days. However when we got there they had no cars and so had to get one from Avis at 400 euro. How much ?????? @*&# I could buy one for that!!! So it is going to be lots of letter writing and a headache no doubt to get the difference back from Alamo.
So despite that hiccup driving in France is quite a different experience to the UK. In fact it is great ... open roads ... no traffic ... no cameras ... makes you actually want to drive.
Anyway we visited many different small villages ... drank lots of cheap French wine ... and stopped in a B&B that was actually run by a couple that had done the renovation with the Homes in the Sun TV programme.
Absolutely gorgeous.
Having got back home I have vowed to play some more qualifiers.
I still have about $480 left in my qualifiers pot and so decided to play a $5.50 qualifier to tonights $25 + $2.50 $10,000 guaranteed on Pacific.
All was quiet until with 19 players left from the starting 79. I was dealt A7s on the button when it all folded around to me. So with my short stack it was an insta shove. The SB called and I thought I was looking at the exit. Well he had KK, I hit an Ace on the flop and dodged his flush draw to get me to about 6th in chips with 19 left. I didn't need to play a hand from there on in as the tournament gave tickets to 15th and other short stacks were forced to shove and get themselves knocked out ... so ticket number one earned.

Half an hour to go to the tournament so heres hoping for some luck and a decent cash for a change.
Until next time ...
Keep it Tight!