Last night I sat down all enthusiastic ... if a little tired ... ready to carry on the winning streak that had began on day one of March.
3 SnG's and 3 Sub Qualifiers later (Pacific $20,000, Pacific Irish Open and GUKPT) ... I had but one cash in one SnG.
If I had JJ they had QQ ... If I had AQ they had AK ... you get the idea.
Well combining tiredness with tiltedness is not a good formula for success ... but I still wanted to play poker.
So I decided to play a GUKPT freeroll. Mainly just to let off steam, throw a few chips around and it doesn't really matter.
Well I made the break with a reasonable stack and out of the 336 players there were about 200 left, alot of who were sitting out I might add. The main thing was that I was happy again, I had let off my steam, the chips had been all in a few times and I was just about ready for bed.
By the second break (thanks to quad 8's) I was still around average stack and was basically prepared to put my chips in ... I wanted to go bed.
During the third period I realised that there were only 50 or so left with prizes being paid to 5th and I was sitting OK.
Once on the final table I had forgotten my tiredness and wanted a prize.
Then (with 7 left in the tournament) I decided to push all in holding K7os before the blinds gobbled me up (I was reading the BB as a non caller so he was my target). The button called and so did the BB. I was up against AK and KQ. The seven hit the turn and I was punching the air .... hang on what am I doing ... this is a freeroll saddo ... but I had just trippled up.
Anyway I hit the top 5 and have a free $11 ticket to tonights $11 rebuy GUKPT Sub Qualifier.
I also just wanted to congratulate Steve Holden (as he reads my blog) on his 9th place GUKPT finish. I was sorry to read that it may have been a little soured by some antics of one of his mates, but still a great showing.
I watched from 6 left on Nutz tv and had to feel for RiverAsUsual as Joe Grech hit out on him and the river as usual did for him twice to see him end up in 4th. I have to say having played with RiverAs Usual on Blue Square the river is particularly unkind to him, but well done also.
Thats All For Now!
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
A bit of heat to start off the new year
My year started out far removed from the poker world on a beach in South
Goa, India. The trip was originally planned to celebrate my good friend
Rishabh's ...
11 years ago
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