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This week I have decided to try for the French Weekly Leaderboard. This starts on Mondays at 00:01 and finishes Sunday night at 00:00.
Top Player gets 250 euro
2nd and 3rd get entry to the 250K guaranteed
4th to 150th get entry into the 250 euro guaranteed tourney
Up until Yesterday I had played every night from about 8pm until midnight 4 tabling 3 euro Double Up STT. This had gotten me into 84th position. However I didn't play at all yesterday as I was travelling back to the UK, now I have dropped to 135th.
So still on target for my target 250Euro tourney entrance.
At present on these stakes whilst still building my French bank roll there is no chance of reaching positions 1-3 .... I'll save that for a later challenge.
The side effect of this effort is that I was also 85th on the monthly leaderboard where cash prizes are paid to 100th. However after my little break yesterday I have dropped back to 109th.
So my new target is to also hit the top 100 on the monthly leaderboard.
To give you an idea of how my French Bankroll is progressing (now just over 300 euro with bonuses from my initial deposit of 100 euro) I have posted my latest Sharkscope Graph.
So heres to another afternoon of SnG grind!
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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After a couple of months on the small stakes tables I am finally making some progress on PartyPoker.fr.
As you can see from my sharkscope SnG graph I am at last making some profit. Add this to my small multi tournament 3rd out of 51 last night my account is sitting at 185 euro (initial deposit of 100) and I am 80% of the way through a 40 euro bonus.
So I am feeling a little more at home on the poker tables here in France.
All I need to do now is start increasing the stakes I'm playing at ... same old story eh?
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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First off a little about France ... (if this bores you just skip to the next section where I will be talking poker) ...
We've been here almost a month now and are settling in nicely .. it is great not getting up until 10am every morning (despite wanting to get up earlier). The problem with getting up later here is that by the time you are washed, dressed and breakfasted all the shops are closed (between 12.00 and 2.00 pm). So I will soon have to set an alarm so that we can get more things done.
We have made a lot of headway with the garden and our attached small building (this needs completely renovating) ... oh yeah and we have already smartened up the bedroom with a fresh coat of paint.
I have lots of photos on my phone but am unable to get them onto the PC so I will post a few in later posts.
However in an attempt to NOT make this my "French Adventure" blog I have also been playing some poker.
As I have posted before, France have introduced some new internet gambling laws. This doesn't stop the individual from playing on non approved sites but it does make it illegal for sites to open accounts with french residents (at least thats the way I think it works). In response most of the major sites have initially blocked French IP addresses so as not to Pee off the French government in the hope that they may get a legal license.
The whole thing is run by an association called ARJEL and a full list of approved sites is available on their website ... http://www.arjel.fr/
So I have opted to initialy join PartyPoker.fr under the affiliate pokerlistings.fr until I have done some more research on affiliates to find out who offers the best benefits. However they are very hot on ID etc so if it wasn't for the fact I have a French bank account I may not have been playing in France.
So far I have started on the low limit tables - up to 6 euro buy ins - and have had a bit of a culture shock ... just look at this sharkscope page of a typical evenings SnG quality (even at the low levels) ....
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First off my initial 100 euro deposit fell to 50 euros.
However I have played 3 of their 250 euro guaranteed and had 3 cashes -a 16th, a 12th and a final table 3rd out of an average of about 250 entrants per tourney.
So now with those cashes and a few heads up wins my balance is sitting back at 110 euro.
I am also keeping my eye on the leaderboards and do want to attack the weekly SnG leaderboard just once to see where I can get.
So for now I am very happy with the move, extremely happy with the pace of life here but frustrated at not being able to play the bonuses I am constantly sent by email from my UK gambling sites.
Some of that will be rectified next week however because I am back in the UK for a couple of weeks; one for work and one for pleasure.
So Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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This weekend is the one where I finally move to France.
Currently I am sitting in a hotel writing this in waiting to get on the Ferry tomorrow.
For the final leg I have decided to buy my own white van (for two reasons).
1 - This will allow us to take (almost) the last of our things over with us without having to return back with a hire van.
2 - The white van might also be a little part time earner whilst in France; either returning with items for other people or bringing things back for them!
So I have purchased an Iveco Daily - 100,000 miles on the clock (to which I am told the engine is a baby). Drives nicely but so far I haven't had the smooth run in I wanted.
The first weekend I used her for a trip up to Yorkshire. When I got back there was an oil drip around the gear box. Now I know very little of these things, but the garage had a look, cleaned it up and said it looked like residue oil from the service - I wasn't convinced!
So the next trip I went to the boat out by Colchester, and, when I arrived .... yep .... there was an oil drip. So I did what I needed to do and then got it back to the garage for a second time. It ended up to in fact be a diesel leak from the injectors ... which they fixed! So far, there are no more leaky drips ... but ....
The rear tyre now seems to have a slow puncture, although no one can be blamed for that. I may have picked up a tack or something at the boat yard! However ... Damn! Damn! Damn! ... there is no way I am going to get that fixed before 9am tomorrow (when I am due on the ferry) and I doubt very much if I can get it changed on a Sunday in France, mainly because France shuts at the weekend!
So it is going to be a limp ... pump up .... limp .... pump up for about 350 miles ... (well it did get me the 180 miles here on one pump up).
And now to add to my van worries it is making horrible metallic noises in the lower gears - like a grinding ... no idea what that is but if it is a problem it sounds expensive ...
Really hope I haven't bought a pain in the ass van!
Anyway, van worries aside ... I have an Orange engineer fitting a telephone line next Tuesday and then hopefully Internet access within 15 days after that!
So the Poker withdrawals might not be too harsh ... the Van worries will probably keep me occupied ... aagghhh they were supposed to be aside ....
Until Next Time
a bientot
Oh ... and
Keep it Tight!
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For anyone whos been reading my Twitter you will know that I have been trying to qualify for the WSOP via Pokerlistings on Bet 365.
I earnt enough points to first enter a 34 player sub qualifier : 1-6 won a super satelite $500 ticket, 7-12 won a $215 WSOP Main event rebuy ticket.
5 left and I have a great image, everyone believes I have it when I bet ... so I bet!
Short handed I obviously open up my range, and for a start they still believe me, then I get the pre flop 3 bet, and I fold (mistake number 1).It happens again (mistake number 2) and suddenly I go from being a bet dominator to a bet foldinator. With no cards, i am a lost soul on the poker table.
However I then end up getting a JJ and an AA to take me to second in chips with 3 left. At this point, after about 5 hours of play I can hear those Vegas bandits a jingling.With the big hands and my image restored I manage to play the chip leader d0dd087 off of a couple of pots without having to worry about ZZ1000 who was being really tight passive ... d0dd was my target and if I beat him I have the Vegas prize. On the button he raised any 2 cards, consistently. On this occasion he raised a little bit bigger which made me think midish pair ... ZZ folded and I sit with A5spades. I thought about folding then called thinking that there are going to be plenty of cards to scare him with my read. The flop paired J77 - no spades. First to act I checked and he continued with a 1/3 pot bet ... I thought for a while and check raised ... (mistake number 3 ... I have little to no outs, just a complete bluff), he called. Turn brought a card that meant nothing. I half pot bet ... (mistake number 4, I have completely nothing with little or no outs) he thinks then over the tops all in ... I have to fold (his mid pair would be good at this point!) preserving about 25,000 in chips.
So my whole tournament hinged on getting too deep with a bluff ... poor play.The coup de gras that saw me going out 3rd was when d0dd rarely folded the button and ZZ went all in on the SB - desperate I call with 9Tos.
Flop 289 ... turn blank river 8 - he holds A8 - Boom! Gone as was my Vegas dream!Third was not too bad was it in a rebuy and add on with just my starting chips ... ?
I am sorry I didn't win but I can however take away some plus points from this:
... I don't think these players were muppets and I held my own.
... Don't get involved in a hand with a complete bluff unless you have to!
... It makes me want to qualify for something big!
Soon people I will do something big .... SOON!
Until Next time
Keep it Tight!
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Imagine Phil Helmuth as a jar of Marmite ... what side do you think his peers come down on!
This is a preview from the Pokerstars.net Big Game to be aired on June 14th.
I personally like marmite!
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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Yesterday in the Ultimate Bet $4K Guaranteed Rebuy I had a hand about 15 places outside the money that I don't know if I got maximum value out of - I would like some suggestions on how others might have played in this situation.
The Setup
Blinds at 600 / 1200 with 100 Ante.
I was short stacked at the bottom of the pile with 14,000 chips after posting SB.
I was dealt AA.
There were already 4 people in the pot before it got to me making the pot 6,200 as below:
I went All In hoping to get one caller - all folded and I took down the pot.
A wasted opportunity to get more?
I'd like some differing views on what might be other plays in this position.
Until Next Time.
Keep it Tight!
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Every Month I update the "Jesters Book of Records with my multi tournament performances.
Below I have posted the detail behind those stats.
Click the image to expand the view.
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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I haven't had much time or willingness to post recently due to a serious illness in the family.
However my Mum is now on the road to recovery and I am starting to get my life back in order after the turmoil and worry of the whole situation.
For now I have just updated the records section at the right of my page to include the games I have played last month.
So I haven't deserted blogging and normal posting service will be resumed shortly.
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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I said this was going to be a very busy year with many changes and so it will be!
The first big change to my life is that I got engaged at Christmas to my girlfriend.
So raise a glass ...
... and join me in a drink to celebrate the great news!
The second big thing happened last weekend.
We have been making frequent visits to france over the past year and these haven't just been holidays. Finally, after months of negotiating and paperwork we are the proud owners of a village property in South West France.
Whats more this isn't just a holiday home ... its going to be permanant!!!
I am really looking forwards to trying a new life there, but have still not yet got the crucial things in place ... i.e. BROADBAND!!!
I also hope that the new gambling laws that the French keep tabling will not get through, otherwise I may be constrained to using just French poker sites. I am sure even then though there will be ways and means.
Luckily I am still managing to play a bit of poker and will give an update on how that is going for the start of the year in my next post.
I hope my new Nationality will not put you valuable readers off, and don't worry, my posts will not be written in French from now on. In fact my French is far from good at the moment.
I will however see if I can check the live poker scene out at sometime in the second half of this year.
So please still keep reading.
For now I'll just say ...
Until Next Time!!
Keep it Tight!
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So 2009 is gone and 2010 is here.
I have noticed a trend though over the last 3 years that my profits have been dropping so either I am playing differently or the online world has become a much tougher place to play.
In 2007 I made about $3.5 K profit, 2008 I made $2K profit and this year only $1.3k profit.
So any new years resolutions? Not really, nothing more than I have got to try and play higher.
I am taking half of my profit back to spend so at least I can show something for my hard work. This leaves me a playing pot of about $600. So I am going to use the "20th of my bank roll buy in method" for all games in the hope that I will slowly climb the levels.
In addition I have now found a rakeback that I can achieve so we will see if that small drip feed of "bonus" will aid me in climbing the buy ins.
Away from the poker table 2010 is going to bring many changes but I should still find time to play enough of this game that I love.
All that remains now is to wish everyone good luck for 2010, and heres looking to a prosperous future.
Until Next Time
Keep it Tight!
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